Energy of Money


Money is a beautiful conceptual and spiritual tool.

How and whether you hold onto it, give it away, care for it or detest it has everything to do with your relationship with it.

But more than that, money is a gift in that it is a one-for-one mirror for our relationship with love.

In this powerful series of energy work and reflection, we dive deeply into our relationship with money as a pathway to greater love, liberation and spiritual growth. With it, we bring loving awareness to the parts of us that hold old beliefs, hurt, and constriction around our relationship with money and love that keep us from new more loving and expansive ways of inviting it into our lives.

In doing so, we explore how to cultivate a more liberated flow of money through our lives that serves a life of purpose, meaning and deeper capacity for love.

The Energy : Money as Love

Together we drop into powerful enlightenment-based nergy work that specifically calls in the energy of money and her divine harbingers and guides. As we receive this energy, we invite our own personal evolution, growth, visions, and awareness around where and how we resist money and love in our physical, energetic and spiritual system.

Visioning & Reflection: From Insight to Action

Through a mindful visioning experience, we attune to the energy of money and where/how it wants to move through our lives.

We’ll receive 1:1 sharing as a way to hold space for articulation and insights around how we hold back from receiving money and love in our lives and what we can do to enable a more beautiful flow.

Group Reflection & Workshopping

Reflections will be shared back in group context. We will also workshop as many participants as available to clarify avenues and actions that would support more freedom in the domain of channeling money as a force for love in one’s life and world.


Upon registration you will receive log in details for the session

This is spiritual work so I ask that you refrain from any substances before or after the work.

If you’d like to learn more about the lineages that I draw from, you can find more about this here.

Dates & Time


September 5th >> 4pm PST // 7pm EST

An email will be sent to subscribers with instructions for how to join any/all sessions. ❤️🙏